The Top 100 AI Tools You Need to Succeed in the Digital Age.

The Top 100 AI Tools You Need to Succeed in the Digital Age

1. TensorFlow
2. PyTorch
3. Keras
4. Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit (CNTK)
5. scikit-learn
6. IBM Watson
7. Amazon SageMaker
8. Google Cloud AI Platform
9. OpenAI Gym
10. AllenNLP
12. RapidMiner
13. Orange
14. Apache Mahout
15. DataRobot
16. IBM Watson Studio
17. Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Studio
18. Google Cloud AutoML
19. NLTK (Natural Language Toolkit)
20. Spacy
21. Gensim
22. Word2Vec
23. BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers)
24. GloVe (Global Vectors for Word Representation)
25. FastText
26. OpenAI GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer)
27. Microsoft LUIS (Language Understanding Intelligent Service)
28. Amazon Lex
29. Google Dialogflow
30. IBM Watson Assistant
31. TensorFlow Serving
32. ONNX (Open Neural Network Exchange)
33. KubeFlow
34. MLflow
35. Hugging Face Transformers
36. BigML
37. Alteryx
38. DataRobot AutoML
39. IBM Watson Machine Learning
40. Google Cloud ML Engine
41. Bonsai
42. AutoML-Zero
43. IBM Watson Discovery
44. Amazon Rekognition
45. Google Cloud Vision
46. Microsoft Azure Computer Vision
47. IBM Watson Visual Recognition
48. TensorFlow Object Detection API
49. OpenCV
50. PyTorch Vision
51. IBM Watson NLU (Natural Language Understanding)
52. Google Cloud Natural Language
53. Microsoft Azure Text Analytics
54. IBM Watson Personality Insights
55. Google Cloud Speech-to-Text
56. Microsoft Azure Speech Services
57. Amazon Transcribe
58. PyTorch Audio
59. IBM Watson Text to Speech
60. Google Text-to-Speech
61. Microsoft Azure Text to Speech
62. OpenAI Text to Image synthesis
63. IBM Watson Tone Analyzer
64. YOLO (You Only Look Once)
65. DeepFace
66. IBM Watson Personality Insights
67. MIT Scratch
68. Prodigy by ExplosionAI
69. Google AutoML Tables
70. Microsoft Azure ML Designer
71. IBM Watson Knowledge Studio
72. Google Cloud AutoML Video Intelligence
73. Microsoft Azure Video Indexer
74. Hugging Face Transformers
75. IBM Watson Translation
76. Google Cloud Translation
77. Microsoft Azure Translator
78. PyTorch Geometric
79. TensorFlow Probability
80. Apache MXNet
81. Microsoft Azure Face API
82. Google Cloud AutoML Tables
83. IBM Watson Discovery
84. Amazon Forecast
85. Google Cloud AutoML Vision
86. Microsoft Azure Custom Vision
88. IBM Watson Assistant
89. Google Cloud AutoML Natural Language
90. Microsoft Azure Custom Speech
91. Apache Flink
92. IBM Watson Studio
93. Google Cloud Composer
94. Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Operations
95. Amazon Transcribe Medical
96. OpenAI Codex
97. IBM Watson OpenScale
98. Google Cloud AutoML Video Intelligence
99. Microsoft Azure Form Recognizer
100. Hugging Face Datasets

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